• Info@alhejazhorizon.sa
  • +(966)125495522

We wish to emphasize  to everyone that  richmond university is not a degree mill university or money oriented university.  It  is dedicated to  Quality Work Experienced Professional Standards that is the Ethos of the richmond ’s Trustees. This must be understood by  everyone, before casting the stone at the richmond university  Management.

  • richmond university Philosophy   

The knowledge can be gained in two forms that are by learning and experience. We all know and accept that experience makes  perfect, but never consider it equivalent to earning. The knowledge gained by the method of hands on experience must be given  high priority in the educational arena. It is an acceptable norm that without hands on experience, the academic learning cannot  be  implemented in the professional field. Every individual who learns wants to implement that in practical life to confirm his/her intellectual capabilities to the society. Therefore, anyone’s life hands on experience plays a vital role to become a renowned person in his/her profession

Our Services


شركاء النجاح

Our Mission

The main purpose of the company is to provide maintenance services excellently to satisfy customers and fulfill their desires. So the company's mission is:
Commitment to quality improvement to provide excellent operation and maintenance services to achieve customer and employee satisfaction.
The elements of the mission are to:

     Continuous improvement of quality.
     Excellence in providing operation and maintenance services
     Achieve customer satisfaction
     Achieve employee satisfaction

Our Services Contact Us

Are you looking for a company from one of the oldest and most experienced in providing maintenance, cleaning and operation services?

The main purpose of the company is to provide maintenance services excellently to satisfy customers and fulfill their desires. So the company's message is
Commitment to quality improvement to provide excellent operation and maintenance services to achieve customer and employee satisfaction

Contact Us

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